We are proud to recognize Elijah Steele and Ra’Shauna Suber as LME's Star Students of the Week. Elijah and Ra’Shauna were featured on our morning news show and received a Star Student souvenir card from Wilson's II, Inc. Wilson's II, Inc. also offers our students their choice of a piece of pizza, corn dog, or a free small slushy. Thank you to Wilson's II, Inc. for sponsoring our Star Students of the Week.
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Star Students
Thank you to edcon inc. for becoming a 2019-2020 LME Lighthouse Business Partner. Mr. Chase Edwards surprised Kindergraden teacher, Mrs. Keli Dickert, with a sensory table. Our students will love the sensory table. Mrs, Leann Edwards surprised speech therapist, Mrs. Fran Gray, with speech buddies practice cards. These cards are going to be a hit. Thank you edcon inc.!!
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Edcon inc.
Edcon inc.
edcon inc.
Meeter Greeter Leaders at Little Mountain Elementary apply and are chosen to welcome new students who enroll during the school year. Two representatives from each homeroom who are kind, friendly, and helpful to others, fill this important leadership role. Mrs. Sherry Swindler, School Counselor, met with the students for three sessions to discuss tips on being friendly helpers, making proper introductions, and conducting school tours. The Meeter Greeter Leaders do an excellent job of making sure new students receive a warm welcome as part of the Little Mountain Elementary School Family. Meeter Greeter Leaders also are involved in various leadership roles at assemblies and meetings throughout the school year. Meeter Greeter Leaders for the 2019-2020 school year are pictured as follows: Picture 1- Pre-K and Kindergarten Meeter Greeter Leaders - Left-Right— Connor Bundrick, Tremarious Austin, Henley Johnson, Colson Cooper, MJ Mollohan, Kaylee Stoudemire, Scarlette Murray, Allison Martin Picture 2 -1st Grade Meeter Greeter Leaders -1st Row-Wyatt Koon, Kade Livingston, Emerson Lindler; 2nd Row– Avery Westphal, Grant Shealy, Eli Doss, Michael Arnold, Braylin Wright Picture 3 - 2nd Grade Meeter Greeter Leaders- Left to Right—McKenzie Ray, Jonathan Shealy, Roman Long, Conner Reddick, Meleah DeWelt, Bella Sabbagha Picture 4 - 3rd Grade Meeter Greeter Leaders- Left to Right—Katie Mills, Landon Bannister, Leilah Poppell, Claire Traylor, McKaylee Chadwick, Kaitlyn Johns, Van Hayes, Jonah Ward Picture 5 - 4th Grade Meeter Greeter Leaders- Left Side, Top to Bottom-Lily Farmer, Yandel Corcho, Avery Purcell, Aiden Ferreira, Karma Goings; Right Side– Top to Bottom - Alex Marion, Ansley Owens, Matthew Bauer Picture 6 - 5th Grade Meeter Greeter Leaders- 1st Row– Cash Knight, Jesse O’Shields, Star Hawkins, Jennifer Boland; 2nd Row– Xander Deloach, Dantzler Covington, Kharabella Murphy, Lexi Koon
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Meeter Greeter Leaders
Meeter Greeter Leaders
Meeter Greeter Leaders
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation recognized our school as one of America’s Healthiest Schools at tonight’s Board Meeting. Go Wildcats!
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Wildcat Staff Accepting Award
We are proud to recognize Andreas Anderson and Sydney Swafford as LME's Star Students of the Week. Andreas and Sydney were featured on our morning news show Friday and received a Star Student souvenir card from Wilson's II, Inc. Wilson's II, Inc. also offers our students their choice of a piece of pizza, corn dog, or a free small slushy. Thank you to Wilson's II, Inc. for sponsoring our Star Students of the Week.
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Star Students of the Week
Upward Basketball
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Upward Basketball
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Youth Basketball Registration
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Youth Basketball Registration
Early Release Day Wednesday, October 23, at 12:40
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
We are proud to recognize Andrew Fulmer and Marley Poppell as LME's Star Students of the Week. Andrew and Marley were featured on our morning news show Friday and received a Star Student souvenir card from Wilson's II, Inc. Wilson's II, Inc. also offers our students their choice of a piece of pizza, corn dog, or a free small slushy. Thank you to Wilson's II, Inc. for sponsoring our Star Students of the Week.
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Wilson's Star Students of the Week
Picture Make-up Day is Tuesday, October 15
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Tuesday, October 15
We are proud to recognize Adriana Kear and JT Keisler as LME's Star Students of the Week. Adriana and JT were featured on our morning news show Friday and received a Star Student souvenir card from Wilson's II, Inc. Wilson's II, Inc. also offers our students their choice of a piece of pizza, corn dog, or a free small slushy. Thank you to Wilson's II, Inc. for sponsoring our Star Students of the Week.
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Star Students of the Week
Habit #1 - Be Proactive - MVP
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Habit #1 MVP
Charleston Wrap Pick-Up
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
We are proud to recognize Zackary Desjarlais and Avery Westphal as LME's Star Students of the Week. Zackary and Avery were featured on our morning news show Friday and received a Star Student souvenir card from Wilson's II, Inc. Wilson's II, Inc. also offers our students their choice of a piece of pizza, corn dog, or a free small slushy. Thank you to Wilson's II, Inc. for sponsoring our Star Students of the Week.
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Star Students of the Week
Don't forget about our Fall Festival that is tomorrow from 4:00 - 7:00pm. Hope to see y'all there!
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Lever Farms
Attached you will find an order form for Mid-Carolina Homecoming T-Shirts. LME will be collecting order forms and money for these through Tuesday, October 8th. If you would like to help support Mid-Carolina by making a T-Shirt purchase, please send the completed order form and money into your child’s teacher no later than Tuesday morning.
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Homecoming T-shirt
Thank you to Chadwick Financial for becoming a 2019-2020 LME Lighthouse Business Partner. Mr. Chadwick surprised 3rd grade ELA / social studies teacher, Mrs. Christie Allison, with a couch and chair for her reading nook. Our students are sure to enjoy reading on this comfy furniture. Thank you Chadwick Financial!
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Chadwick Financial
Chadwick Financial
Chadwick Financial
We are proud to recognize Kharabella Murphy and Blake Ballentine as LME's Star Students of the Week. Kharabella and Blake were featured on our morning news show Friday and received a Star Student souvenir card from Wilson's II, Inc. Wilson's II, Inc. also offers our students their choice of a piece of pizza, corn dog, or a free small slushy. Thank you to Wilson's II, Inc. for sponsoring our Star Students of the Week.
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Star Students of the Week
We are proud to recognize Hunter Holley and Sereniti Thompson as LME's Star Students of the Week. Hunter and Sereniti were featured on our morning news show Friday and received a Star Student souvenir card from Wilson's II, Inc. Wilson's II, Inc. also offers our students their choice of a piece of pizza, corn dog, or a free small slushy. Thank you to Wilson's II, Inc. for sponsoring our Star Students of the Week.
over 5 years ago, Little Mountain Elementary
Star Students of the Week:  Hunter Holley & Sereniti Thompson